What Are the Best Supplements and Vitamins for Tinnitus?

By | February 15, 2023

supplements and vitamins for tinnitus treatment

Are you deficient in these vitamins for tinnitus relief? Discover the top dietary supplements and vitamins that help with the treatment of ringing ears.

If you’re looking for ways to find some relief, there are particular supplements and vitamins for tinnitus that can help to ease the symptoms. The most frequently recommended ones are listed below…


Lipo-Flavonoid Plus


Arches Tinnitus Formula
Remember to consult your healthcare professional before you start taking supplements or a course of vitamin treatment.

What Are the Best Supplements and Vitamins for Tinnitus?

1. Lipo-Flavonoid Plus

Lipo-Flavonoid Plus has earned the top place on our list of supplements and vitamins for tinnitus relief. This product is a natural bioflavonoid formula that has been used widely for decades for the treatment of Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease.

Many products claim to reduce or treat the symptoms of tinnitus; however, few come with the history and proven results of Lipo-Flavonoid Plus. This supplement has been used and evaluated in clinical settings for over 50 years and continues to be the #1 recommendation of doctors for relief of ringing in the ears.

Learn more in our Lipoflavonoid Plus review here »
lipo-flavonoid tinnitus supplement

2. TinniFree

TinniFree came in a close second place on our list. This product is a comprehensive hearing support formula that uses targeted ingredients shown to be effective for tinnitus relief.

The TinniFree formula was developed using results from emerging clinical studies and leading tinnitus research organizations. This supplement is recommended by thousands of doctors whose patients experience a reduction of tinnitus in 100 days.

Learn more in our TinniFree review here »
tinnifree supplement for tinnitus

3. Ginkgo Biloba and Arches Tinnitus Formula

Ginkgo biloba is one of the main ingredients in the popular tinnitus supplement Arches Tinnitus Formula which we’ve reviewed here ». This product was ranked third place on our list.

Ginkgo is frequently recommended as a herbal supplement for tinnitus relief. It helps to increase blood circulation, support brain function and improve your thinking and memory.

If your tinnitus is related to poor circulation to the inner ear, then Ginkgo biloba will help bring some relief. Try it for at least two to three months before evaluating the results.
Arches tinnitus Formula


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B Vitamins for Tinnitus: Niacin, Thiamin, and Vitamin B12

Vitamin B tabletsResearch shows that tinnitus sufferers are often deficient in B vitamins. Vitamin B12, B1 (Thiamin), and B3 (Niacin) are important vitamins for tinnitus and overall good health. These vitamins help to increase blood circulation in the ears as well as stabilize the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 occurs naturally in the following foods: oily fish (salmon, trout, tuna), liver, beef, cheese, and eggs.

Are You Deficient in Zinc? The Benefits of Zinc Treatment:

Are you deficient in zinc? Low zinc levels are another factor that could be contributing to your tinnitus symptoms.

zinc for tinnitusResearch conducted in 1997 by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at St Marianna University School of Medicine confirms that low serum zinc levels are common in people with tinnitus. During this study, the participants with low blood zinc levels were given zinc treatment and saw their condition improve as their zinc levels increased. The results suggest that zinc is beneficial in the treatment of some cases of tinnitus. To get these results, the participants were given 34-68 mg of zinc per day for two weeks.

Some foods that have a high zinc concentration are oysters, crab, beef, liver, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, and nuts such as Brazil nuts, cashews, and pecans.

Magnesium as a Supplement for Tinnitus Relief

magnesium minerals for tinnitusMagnesium is also on the list of supplements and vitamins for tinnitus relief. A report showed that when the level of magnesium in the inner ear fluid is increased, tinnitus symptoms like ringing in the ears stopped. However, once the magnesium levels in the inner ear fluid became deficient again, the symptoms returned.

It is very important that you seek guidance from your doctor before taking magnesium, as you could have an allergic reaction or experience severe side effects from it.

Magnesium occurs naturally in many foods. Some of the top magnesium-rich foods are dark leafy greens (such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale), nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts), seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds), beans, avocados, bananas, broccoli, fish and eggs.

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus

While you are learning about the best dietary supplements and vitamins for tinnitus, you may also like to check out this section on natural remedies for tinnitus. Many people report significant improvement after trying some of these treatments.

Do You Get Enough Sleep? Melatonin May Help

Luna sleep aidTinnitus can be particularly bothersome at bedtime when you are trying to sleep.

If you’re having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep all night, you might want to try a natural sleep aid such as LUNA Natural Sleep Aid which is a #1 best seller on Amazon.

Some people find that taking a natural sleep aid that contains melatonin greatly improves their overall quality of sleep, and their tinnitus symptoms significantly decrease.

LUNA Natural Sleep Aid is a popular all-natural product made from a harmonious blend of relaxing herbs, nutrients, and melatonin. These natural ingredients promote deep sleep without the usual side effects of prescription sleeping pills.

Coping with the Symptoms of Tinnitus:

In addition to taking supplements and vitamins for tinnitus, you will still have to deal with the effects of your condition.

Here are some ways to help you cope with the symptoms of tinnitus:

1. Share your feelings with others. Speak to your friends or family, or check out the various online forums. You will probably learn something new that could help you deal with the symptoms or even get rid of ringing ears for good.

2. Try to keep your mind off the noise in your ears by avoiding silence as much as possible. Listen to soothing music or keep yourself busy doing meaningful activities.

3. Invest in a sound therapy system: Discover some of the best sound therapy products available on Amazon here »

A popular system is this Sound+Sleep mini-unit which creates a range of relaxing natural background sounds and is especially helpful at night when it is quiet.

4. Breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques can also help you cope with your symptoms and reduce stress.

5. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is another effective method for coping with tinnitus. This is a longer-term solution that focuses on tinnitus habituation.

Are Your Habits Contributing to Tinnitus?

While you are in the process of finding the best vitamins and supplements for tinnitus treatment, you might want to take a second to look at your behaviors and habits to see if they are contributing to your symptoms.

For example, this study at West Virginia University revealed that about 79 percent of musicians admit they never wear any form of hearing protection – despite being aware of the risks.

Could loud music be the cause of your tinnitus? If you are a musician or constantly listen to loud music, it could very well be the trigger of your tinnitus symptoms.

Always protect your hearing whenever possible! These Eargasm High Fidelity Earplugs are highly rated on Amazon and are the perfect solution for concerts, musicians, motorcyclists, noise sensitivity conditions, and more.

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